We need your cardboard! and Coming Up wb 12.03.18

Image result for marble run challenge

Image result for marble run challenge

Please have a hunt around for cardboard for the Marble Run Challenge this week – part of our Science Week celebrations. If you want your team to win you’ll need to bring in a mix of tubes, cereal boxes, kitchen foil boxes and large flat pieces of cardboard. We’ve also got some great assemblies and other class activities coming up based on our learning in science and technology.

In maths, we’re continuing to develop our understanding of geometry  by looking at angles on a straight line, angles in a full turn and opposite angles. This is my favourite maths topic because it’s all about finding clues to solve mystery angles! Don’t forget, you can look up all the year 6 maths topics, including angles, on the Khan academy website here.

In English, we’re completing our feature articles based on Hansel and Gretel, including presenting them as a newspaper page. Here are three examples of the recount section of the article:

The siblings have finally shared the story about their greedy and insufferable stepmother’s evil plot. They explained how traumatised they were and how their father did not want to leave them in the forest on their own; their stepmother convinced him by calling him a fool and claiming they were all starving. Kayla

The two siblings had attempted to find their way home but instead lost themselves in the extensive woods. As their hunger grew more and more, they came across a colourful path that led up to a staircase made of biscuits and a candy cane banister. A peculiar woman, clutching a cane due to her poor eyesight, welcomed them in but little did they know she was a witch. Rachel

Hansel and Gretel have revealed how the witch trapped her victims. They started saying how they were lured into the witch’s hands. Hansel told us that there was a rather delicious looking cottage with a jelly bean path, a cream-coated chimney and the cottage itself was made out of gingerbread. Omarion

This week we’re finishing the extracts from the witch’s diary:

…kill them, cook them and eat them… Jolie

I hope the next one will be a real porker… Lula
It worked! My sugar-filled cottage has lured two children in! They will make a wonderful snack. I just need to fatten them up a bit. Mmmm… second thoughts, I’ll make one of them do all the work for me. A slave! Lola

Unfortunately they are both like twiglets. I need to make ‘em fatter… Arnold

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